Viabus miss you!

06 april 2020

We find it particularly unfortunate that we miss you as a traveler in this bizarre and uncertain times.

Therefore, this advertisement to let you know that we have not forgotten you! At Viabus we work hard to cope with the current situation. At the same time, we will do everything we can to help you, when the conditions are right, to enjoy a well-deserved holiday without any worries. We will continue to keep a close eye on the developments of the authorities and will only start to travel when this is justified. This will therefore not be until the authorities give their consent. Because there are many questions about our tours for 2021, we have made a selection for you for inspiration of some of our top destinations. And we have a scoop: there are already journeys bookable for 2021! If you are curious about which trips this will be, please visit our website. Within a few weeks, all our spring and summer tours for 2021 can be booked.

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